Shoplifting Can Escalate to Robbery!

Call The Law Office Of Andy Miri 323-725-8263Hablamos Español

When Simple Shoplifting becomes ROBBERY

I have seen many cases where the act of simple shoplifting turned sour. If you have had the unfortunate experience of having a shoplifting incident mushroom into a robbery: you are facing a very serious FELONY. The fine line between simple shoplifting and a robbery is crossed if a shoplifting suspect resists apprehension for shoplifting. Crossing over from a misdemeanor shoplifting charge to a felony robbery charge can happen as easily as colliding with a store employee or security officer as you attempt to run out the door of the store – or as you are attempting to flee a store with merchandise and bump into a store employee. The obvious problem with such a situation as a robbery offense is that instead of the minor misdemeanor theft, you are now charged with a serious felony. If your shoplifting charge was enhanced to a robbery charge you absolutely should retain the services of an experienced defense attorney.

Touching An Employee While Running Away: Felony!

Robbery is typically defined as the use or threat of force, or the infliction of bodily injury, in the course of committing or fleeing a theft. Almost always, whenever a collision or any force is used in the commission of a theft, or in attempting to escape apprehension for shoplifting, California district attorneys frequently charge you with robbery. This enhancement is a BIG deal and you should treat it as such. A physical encounter between any store employees, including security officers, and a shoplifting suspect causes the DA’s office and the prosecutors to significantly ratchet up their prosecution against you. You need an experienced attorney to defend your rights – the sooner the better.

Florida Shoplifting Enhanced to Robbery and Prison Time

If you or a loved one has been charged with both shoplifting and the enhancement of robbery, you definitely require the assistance of a qualified and compassionate lawyer. Consider sharing your story with me, a local Orange County Criminal Defense Lawyer, Andy Miri. Call me personally at 323-SALVAME (725-8263).

Law Offices of Andy Miri

“Dedicated to your needs
Focused on your success”

CALL ANDY MIRI TODAY: 323-725-8263Hablamos Español

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